
week 6 - American life

Sept 21-27

More of the same old same old... but getting closer to a job and stuff so that is good.

Watched some of the new rick and morty and a show called the house of cosby's pretty funny.


Week 5 - Quick summary

Monday-Sunday (13-20)

Ever since being back having a blog seems mostly pointless... the only reason people read this was because I was in a funky place (Vanuatu) and working a strange job (Peace Corps) now I am just a bum back in the states.

What is interesting about hearing about my working on some small projects here and there? They are pretty common things. But maybe I should start a new one... life in the static state. Nothing seems very challenging here... wake up, eat, go outside and do stuff and go home. repeat... maybe once I start a new job and move back into my condo my social life will return but being away in the south pacific definitely had an impact. I saw a world that is fading from existence... one being impacted by global environmental change, social change and so on... maybe some for the better some for the worst. Nowhere is left that is untouched by western influence. But it was interesting seeing a place that was only softly impacted. It will be vastly different in 10 years, maybe completely different in 20... but such is life.


week 4 - Replug into the matrix

(07) Monday

It was a mostly boring memorial day... took a few photos:

Loring park

Wrote a little on a short story... not sure it is any good or not might post it later.

I guess since returning from the Peace Corps, no one really gives a shit about my blog so it might be pointless to post anything.

(08) Tuesday

Going to build some shit today with my friend Mitch. Might rain but who cares.

(09) Wednesday

Slow day just biked around mostly.


Then back to the soap to help with lighting

(10) Thursday

Got out of the dog house but not sure I want back in now. Best to help people that want your help versus being made to feel a fool by foolish people.

(11) Friday

Helped Mitch building his shed but then the next door neighbor decided he did not like how close it was to his property line so we paused to consider how to move it.

Hung out with Lillian at some art opening.

(12) Saturday

Did a bit of BBQ with the fam and made some burgers. Tonight have a little get together with some friends.

Went to the heart of the beast and celebrated Kat's birthday...

(13) Sunday

I did pretty much nothing all day


Week 3 - Fair days ahead

August (31) Monday

Went to the fair today and met up with Bryan and Kate:

 Looked at some flowers in the agg building

walked past the silly haunted house

Said hello to the KKK looking sheep in costumes

And then there were lamma's

Kate wanted a fried Olive

Princess K is looking butterlicious as always

End of days we're all getting tired

Lets call it a day friends... until the next time.

Sept (01) Tuesday

Doing some yard work at Mitch's place involves this monster tractor. Mitch was the lead builder at the Soap Factory for many years and a good friend of mine. I miss working with him on crazy projects but at least I get to help him build a shed at his house and another over at Lillians.

This is his family...

And here I am

(02) Wednesday

Working around the city and took a couple pictures

(03) Thursday

More building and making the haunted basement at the Soap Factory

(04) Friday

Building stuff with mitch:

(05) Saturday

Bloody bash prep work at the Soap Factory:

Hung out with the first cousins and uncle:

That is em... Hannah's little cutie.

(06) Sunday

Relaxing day... mostly slept all day... then I went to Rosedale first time in a long time. I got some new pants and a bike shirt, and some shoes.

You know being back is not exactly what I expected or whatever but it's not all bad. I am a bit disappointed with how somewhat slow things feel, I recall being active and wild when i lived here in the cities. But maybe that memory is of a different me, a person that used to think that was active and wild but now things seem pretty tame.

I wish there was something worth fighting for in MPLS that I could dedicate my time to... no idea what that would be though.