
week 4 - Replug into the matrix

(07) Monday

It was a mostly boring memorial day... took a few photos:

Loring park

Wrote a little on a short story... not sure it is any good or not might post it later.

I guess since returning from the Peace Corps, no one really gives a shit about my blog so it might be pointless to post anything.

(08) Tuesday

Going to build some shit today with my friend Mitch. Might rain but who cares.

(09) Wednesday

Slow day just biked around mostly.


Then back to the soap to help with lighting

(10) Thursday

Got out of the dog house but not sure I want back in now. Best to help people that want your help versus being made to feel a fool by foolish people.

(11) Friday

Helped Mitch building his shed but then the next door neighbor decided he did not like how close it was to his property line so we paused to consider how to move it.

Hung out with Lillian at some art opening.

(12) Saturday

Did a bit of BBQ with the fam and made some burgers. Tonight have a little get together with some friends.

Went to the heart of the beast and celebrated Kat's birthday...

(13) Sunday

I did pretty much nothing all day