(07) Monday
Checked in at the office and got some last material to build with and ready to return to Malo and complete some last touches, table, put some software on the computers... teach how to use them, start organizing the library. Lots of little details to make it look nice.
Not much else going on here its rainy little cold... boring as usual. Breakfast was decent some bacon eggs toast at Natengura cafe... then a haircut last one probably in Vanuatu. Things are going well... need to find Kiki to buy some of my stuff and then I have less crap to deal with. Looking forward to unloading the last of my expensive items.
Water at my house luganville house is turned off so like back at the college when I had no water for 8 weeks... oh well a few weeks of stinking is not the end of the world.
(08) Tuesday
Emily... helping at site... Photo from yesterday:
(09) Wednesday
Busy again... made a table:
And teaching the librarian how to use the software to track the library at Nandiutu
(10) Thursday
Building stuff and organizing the library at Nandiutu here are some photos. Artist did a bunch of TinTin Paintings...
Workman "Sale" photo of him finishing the trim:
(11) Friday
Productive trip to Malo again... but things got strange friday evening
I helped a volunteer get off the island because she was attacked by a local boy... she was very scared. Glad she is safe.
They put me in the time capsule... builder david... peace corps.
(12) Saturday
Got back to santo after a quick session on Malo... not much to report... was able to have a quick drink with Sophie such a cool girl.
(13) Sunday
Had a decent day... nice breakfast, stupid cruise ship was in town filled the place with ozzies and white folk... hung out with the Youth Challenge people I helped evacuate from Malo.
Then had dinner at waterfront cafe... they charged more than they should have cuz the tourist were in town.