(10) Monday
Very slow day... just reading and playing some video games. But this friday a new friend will visiting Valerie should be fun.
Not sure what to write about, with Tim's visit over and only myself at the house it is suddenly less lively. It was fun having a group of guy's just goofing off and watching movies until late for days on end and grilling. Those are great memories.
I made a decent meal at least I should experiment more with some stir frying.
Missing ultimate frisbee but had an excellent day of sleeping and doing nothing much at all. Managed to hit LCM and restock on things but until I have to I am trying to not spend a single vatu.
I have to pray my condo gets rented soon... If not I am just going to bleed money to death. Please please please Metro god of rental units... please find me a renter soon.
Other than worrying about going broke I read some and thought about writing which is not as good as writing.
(11) Tuesday
What to do... read, maybe? Go to my lab and transfer money to pay off mortgage yeah fun times... I need a renter stat or I am going to suffer financially soon. I guess it snowed a ton back home too making moving into a place less exciting for people... Oh god... why did I ever buy that property.
Workman came and took the concrete drill I was using for all the fix ups on my house. With only one or two left to go I figure I don't really care if he takes it now.
My brother is visiting my parents house this week with my niece being there too I wish I was able to skype with them. I will try now...
(12) Wednesday
It was pretty close to a do nothing day. I did the pushup challenge with Rich which seemed pretty hard 250 push ups.
After that I did nothing really... ate a little read a little. Played FTL a bunch and killed time but really it was an extremely boring day.
(13) Thursday
Slow day as well. I let my neighbor use my computer for a skype session for an application for a university in New Zealand. I think her odd are slim at best. She has no connections in New Zealand, not place to stay, no job, no grants. I think they would like her to come but there seems no way to make that a reality. Fingers crossed for her.
Valerie is in town and I would like to run into her today if possible but if not that is ok too.
Went into town saw mike hawkins... but not much else was going on.
I would like to get a new power supply for a burned out one.
(14) Friday
I woke up and was considering doing something then read and fell back to sleep. About 7:45 a rap at my door woke me and it was my deputy principal. He asked me in the typical vanuatu way of asking by telling me to come with him and and bring my camera. I am literally reduced to a man with a camera. So I figured following him might break up the monotonous day. We went into town and behind LCM there is some kind of conference room called the VNPF. Inside there were a ton of people. It was a graduation ceremony for some year 8 kids. I took some photos and listened to their speeches. They were pretty funny.
One lady said some especially funny stuff... she asked what is the value of your life. No one answers of course so she went on her ramble. It was funny because she got all scientific on them... She told them the body if 70 percent water, then some carbon and fat and iron and other elements and so on... but that the value of those raw materials is about 8000vt about 80 bucks. She then asked are you only worth 80 dollars. It as a trick question. She then said her next blerb on her fun rant. She told them the body is composed of some 8 with 27 zeros of atoms. With that little science fact she pulled out a bag of peas. And said imagine each one of these peas as an atom. If we covered the whole planet 4 feet deep in peas, that would not be as many atoms in your body. It would take hundreds of planets covered in feet of peas to equal your amount of atoms. Then she added one more science fact about how much electrical energy a body creates in our lifetime and how much that equates in power / cost, some 77 million dollars. All this and more in a short little congrats speech she used to try inspire these kids to feel like their lives are important. It was an unexpected speech.
Then I ducked out and went and ate a pizza. After which I got an estimate for a power supply and then walked home to take a nap.
(16) Saturday
So we had a slow start Valerie and myself... but after a few episodes of Broad City and some breakfast we headed for the wharf and took a boat to Aore Islands and walked about for a few hours there to the hidden beach.
Took only a couple photos:
(17) Sunday
Not sure what the plan is for today. We just woke up it is 6:34am and the weather appears nicer than yesterday. Several option 1) Go to a blue hole 2) Millennium caves 3) go South Santo to visit Hawkins and I am not sure which one we will attempt to do.
We ended up going to beach front and swimming then having a grill party later. Pretty small get together.