
Week 32 - Same old Santo week after week.

Nov 3-9

(03) Monday

Mostly I tried to get better today  I caught a small cold last night and have been sick all day. Nose is like a faucet head hurts... oh well.

Tried to fix my bike tired as it keep popping every time I ride it and patch the tire. I have 4 patches on the tire now. I wonder if I will have 4 more 10 or 30 patches by the end of the month. I search the tired for metal scraps in the tired but there is nothing. I am not sure what is ruining my tired every time I ride it.

Checked on the lab just now... nothing interesting going on. Might as well make use of it to download an update to my laptop.

I am skipping ultimate frisbee but I just don't feel like playing when I am sick.

Tim Harding is supposed to show up tonight... wish I was not sick but that is life.

Tim Finally showed up. He was picked up my Lester from the Hospital and dropped off. We watched some Rick and Morty and some other shows. I started updating my laptop with apple Yosemite OS.

(04) Tuesday

Seems like my neighbor Principal likes to be annoying as possible. At 5:30am he decided to start BLASTING shity music and really bad country karaoke with his very untalented kids singing. I kept wishing for a power surge or lightning from the little rain storm to blow up his speakers and prevent him from doing it again. Please blow his equipment up please...

New OS on my laptop now... it is pretty good. I don't see much that is different really yet.

Walked with Tim into town and met with the health dept people. He is teaching them about the software he and his team worked on. That job seems more like what I should be doing. Might make me feel useful as well.

Then ran into Amanda Russell on her way to the airport. Guess her trip here is over. Too short if you ask me... but tonight we might have a taco night. Fingers crossed. Still a little sick so I think I need to lie down as my mac mini gets an OS update.

Had some pizza with the Hawk... Mike Hawkins... (FYI the hawk is in reference to a character in twin peaks) Mike hates that show which is too bad he might think I am making a reference to Bird Person from Rick and Morty. That pizza was magical... it made me sweat out some of my cold. I felt better after eating it.

Oh and correction Amanda is not going back the flight was full... wonder if she wants to hang out with the big group or not?

Photos from taco Tuesday:

(05) Wednesday

Made some breakfast and texted with Elise in New Zealand... helping her arrange for a host gift for Bryan and Kate and telling Katie Peckler about her being on schedule. I wish I could travel around and do some fun stuff here. If only my condo was rented I would not have to bleed money for an empty unit. Sucks.

What to do today. Well since there is nothing going on at my school... i guess read and rest is my plan. Still getting over this little cold. Hate being sick.

I managed to stay busy today... not always easy let me tell you... but I made a bookshelf in the living room, fixed the screen door preventing bug entry, added a hook for hanging towels in the bathroom.

Then I ran over to Rich's place grabbed a ton of books from his house before he goes I want to expand the library... and we worked out but not before my deputy Principal interrupted me asking me to take photos of some ceremony with an MP at the school. The MP was not very nice when i tried to arrange them for a decent photo asking if was a Minnesota custom to move people around so they look decent in a photo. I said it was a human custom to get the photo to look nice.

Here is
a  photo: The MP member of parliament is the guy with the sun glasses on his head my Principal is the guy with mic in his hands... Sam my counterpart is wearing the blue shirt. If the MP would have stopped heckling me I would have moved my deputy principal from the back row where his face is mostly hidden and put him in a better spot but screw them since they seemed happier with a fast and sloppy photo.

(06) Thursday

Breakfast and Rick and Morty with mr. Tim.... a good way to start the day. The principal was cranking the shitty music as normal but we ignored it. And the neighbors have some kid staying with them and he LOVES to ball his brains out every few minutes. That never gets old to listen to. I wish the principal and them team up and cranked this kid crying his brains out that would be epic.

Most of the day I tried to find ways to kill the time. I spent about 6 hours re-orging my music and movie collection. It is nice and neat again.

And then I went into town and sat and got stared at like I am white sideshow freak by a ton a people with their jaws dropping and that laserbeam HOLY SHIT its a WHITE guy stare I love seeing so much. Yup. Makes me intentionally ignore them and stare into space and not want to say hello.

Then I went home and watched fight club. I love that movie too bad TRW's copy of it is shit and low quality for those who only use a laptop and not a 9 foot projections seeing half inch pixels is not a thrill but it was still a fun movie to cheer me up.

(07) Friday

Thank god another week is almost over... only few million more weeks to kill before time is up and I can return home where there is something for me to do to occupy my time. Lets see today. I will eat, sleep, eat again and then sleep. Entertaining mr. Tim is fun too. Lots of movie time. Oh and write. Soon there will be some friends visiting and that will occupy the time again. Hopefully we can go to a blue hole or something but it seems like it just rains non stop these last few days.

Oh I guess I am the snapshot guy at my school. I took some photos of a class for a teacher. Here there are:

Yeah... back to writing.

So in recap after making some lunch Tim and I watched some movies, I made a new playlist that no one will like probably, then we went to deco stop and met with Stafford and Rich... Lana was there and then eventually Grace. We had some apps and then hit the road back to my place and watched some archer and crashed. Pretty great night.

(08) Saturday

Made Tim and Mike S. some pancakes and potatoes and bacon/sausage with coffee breakfast... then we watched tim play Xenonauts for a while. Might be a nice day for the beach but Tim is not very interested in swimming.  That is unfortunate because half of what there is to do in Vanuatu is swimming related.

There are a lot of rules in this game Tim was explaining about armor and bootcamp and such I lost context too quickly partially because my laptop was down to 2% power and I sat on the floor near my power plug so I could charge because Tim was using my couch table with Mike showing how the game works... I am not really watching them play... the sun is baking the concrete and kicking out some heat. I am pretty happy with the improvement I made to my screen door because now not many flies or mosquitoes can slip through the cracks.

It would be fun to go to Manavulu but not sure I can win that idea.

Most of the day we played video games and watched you tube videos.

Never made it to the blue hole but we did have a great get together... Large grill event with Elise, Katie P, Kate & Bryan, Mike and Mike, Tim, Grace and Lana, Rich, some texas girl with Mike named Bree. Made steaks and burgers, roasted corn.. Should have taken a photo or two.

(09) Sunday

Might be heading to a blue hole... with Mike and Mike and Bree.

Made some pancakes and hash browns for Stafford and I... perfect start for the day.

So we made it to the best blue hole by bus which is a bit unusual. Here are some photos.