
week 66 - back to reality & back to work

(29) Monday

Man... I hate waiting at an airport all day but that I what i did mostly today... except I ran into this really rad French girl named Sophie... My hair is a wild mess as normal.

Well time to hunt for a hotel... and then fly to santo tomorrow.

(30) June Tuesday

Made it back to santo... so happy to be back here versus Vila.

Took some photos from the landing of my Vanuatu hometown:

July (01) Wednesday

Time to return to Malo and build some shit. Not sure what though will find out today when I get there about 8am.

I think I will make a librarian table and maybe sink in the bookshelves to the floor... might ask if Lana wants to join me up at the project. Doubt she will but who knows.

Well I can't sleep it's 4:30 am.

(02) Thursday

Picture of yesterday's work:

Internet setup:

Internet going in, desks were set up by Isabelle... and books on the shelves:

Making a table, finishing the bottom rows on the bookshelves,, securing bookshelf to the wall in the lab, fixing the cable setup, fixing the bench with broken board.

For this week that is the goal next week a few more touchups... painting on the wall French Library and

(03) Friday

Yesterday I made a new table for the librarian and almost done with the bookshelf bottom row... stained and mounted the bookshelf in the computer lab.

Today finish the bookshelf and put a dust cover on the back wall for the french library... stain a table and if the wood arrives finish the bench with the broken piece of black bean timber.

Busy day again.

Made this table:

(04) Saturday

Its 5 am and I just finished setting up the library PC and I am going to sleep now.

Busy day got more stuff done... Hope my friend Sophie made it to Malakula and is soon on her way to Santo the best place to be in Vanuatu.

(05) Sunday

OK... posting some photos before I head back to luganville.

Heading back to Malo Tuesday maybe with Emily...

Installing the internet


Week 65 - Peace Corps and Beyond.

(22) Monday

Made it to Vila. Ate some great food and drank a few beers at the brewery with the g26ers and 27ers.

Whew long day.

(23) Tuesday

All Peace Corps in Vanuatu met with the Peace Corps Director
  1. Carrie Hessler-Radelet

    In July 2013, President Barack Obama nominatedCarrie Hessler-Radelet as the 19th director of the Peace Corps. Since 2010, Hessler-Radelet had served as Peace Corps Deputy Director and Acting Director. From 1981-83, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Western Samoa with her husband, Steve.
  2. and here are some photos:

(24) Wednesday

Finished with the presentation for MST today and now doing some paperwork to take a trip to tana and take some photos of the volcano.

Maybe going to meet up with Isabelle and plan the last bit of work at Malo.

(25) Thursday

Time is winding down for Vila days... tahnkful it is almost over. I meet with Isabelle today... try to schedule a plane for Tanna and take some photos of the volcano. Then head back to santoland.

Training in like few minutes i guess but it's mostly just sitting around.

Can't wait to finish the project on Malo and be done with the work.

(26) Friday

Scheduling a flight to Tanna to take some photos of the volcano and then back to santo and finishing the malo project.

So far this was a decent week... managed to fix a computer / printer setup at a small school yesterday
and now i am about to head out and find some breakfast.

Ran to the hotel grabbed stuff and then took off to the airport and made it to my flight forgot my food at the office... and I was off to tanna. No plan just get there. See what happens.

Long story... but man I have lots.


So I took Michael Hawkins advice and went to Lénakel then to Imayo Village. First off. I don't know anyone there... Dave Brandwood is in santo or somewhere.. so I went and said Peace Corps over and over and door magically opened. Those towns love Peace Corps.

Here is a photo to start off the story though... picture is taken Saturday 11am::

These kids were my guides... started with one from the village by the time we got the volcano there were 10 more. Pretty funny these are the core troop. The kid in the red his name is Mila... roughly a 12 year old boy... my niece in the states is named Mila.

When I first saw him he had this tattoo on his face of a line and a tusk then the next day it was gone. I forgot how kids like to use markers to make temporary tattoo's here. As we walked to the volcano "Mt. Yasur" the kids harvested a bunch of coconuts. These trees were very tall and these kids are fearless check this out:

As we got closer to Yasur they told me we would take a more direct route up straight towards the place where it launches bombs in the air. The ground was soft at the base but as we started our climb up the ground is like a thin ice, hard on the surface but extremely brittle you kick your foot into the side of the mount and under the thin layer it is soft and you can make a foothold. The higher we went the more rocky the surface got. It was sort of scary because when you grab a bolder it break free in your hand and starts rolling down the mount. The kids like to play a game of roll the rocks at their friends below and laugh and laugh.

This is a photo taken right before we start our hike up

With me in it:

The first person I met where these ozzies on the plane ride over. They were going to go to Lenakel and they offered me a ride, PERFECT. Step one completed. Got there free too which is not always the case it can cost you 10 bucks or more.

These guys:

The older guy is some missionary dude and he was semi shocked that I had no arrangements when I got to Tanna, he was like you got a tent or a place to stay, nope, and nope... just trying to get towards Imayo and once I do that I will go from there. He's like "I like your style." I was thinking I have a style? OK.

Then after I got to this school I met Junior Nikiatu this dude:

Very cool guy... He helped arrange getting me a truck at the end of the day and it can be very pricey to get to the other side of Tanna at the end of the day... He showed me the grave of his great grandfather and the first big church build in town that collapsed back in feb, had been standing i guess since 1800's. I made a video of his story but its one gig so too big to load here... might post it on utube and make a link to it.

This is the truck driver Sanga he drove me to imayo:

I did not even have to pay but I gave the guy 1000 vatu / ten bucks. He was great. Good at navigating those really tough roads on tanna.

They look like this:

Well after like two hours of driving and I drank a few tuskers we get to Imayo. I want to say I-Mayo like the mayo clinic but its pronounced e-may-o. Anyway... we get there and I meet Jake Taylor's old host family Rasai Jeffet, their kid Mila and his old dog Bruce Lee.

Here is the host family I stayed with and some photos of the house I lived in for a few days.

I should have taken a photo of the dog. Glad that his dog is alive two year later. He is missing one eye because he was bugging someone too much and I guess that person bashed his head with a stick or hit him so hard that one eye went goofy. Pretty nice dog still. He was happy to have a dude pet his head he sat parked next to me most of the time there.

There was lots of cyclone damage all around the village... Jake's old house was knocked down from Hurricane Pam:

Here is the house I stayed in... I think it is Rasia's main house:

So then I really wanted to get to the volcano as fast as possible... night time is the best to see the fire... I was not sure it would happen but two hours later a truck pulled up and we headed to the volcano and some nighttime photos... this is the entry way. wish I had a better photo grr...

and then there was fire:

So many of them are blurry but a few turned out gold.

There were others on top too got one silhouette shot:

(27) Saturday

Amazing day... started with basically eating my ritural nothing and maybe a small bag od peanuts... then I was off with Mila... this 12 year old Nivan kid to walk up the volcano.

Going up:

The river gorge area thingy:

Making the treck up:

Looking into the pit of fire:

Way way up on top:

This is a photo from day two: going down...

(28) Sunday

So never made my flight back on sunday... things got weird... but that is ok...

Hung out at Tanna Lodge and met some kids at the beach took lots of photos:


week 64 - Much to do on Malo

(15) Monday

#MaloIsland #PeaceCorpsVanuatu

Going to get some wood supplied in Luganville and then run back to site to continue building.

(16) Tuesday

I am sick but I am going to try working all day. Ozzies whew... they are frustrating... was waiting and thinking one was going to help me but then got a late developing message sorry going to the Banks Islands. The Banks... who cares. You have one shot going here and getting five star treatment free... what you get on the banks nothing. Bad decision making if you ask me.

Oh well who cares? I am going to work and kick ass all day. Wait for more photos and see how awesomeness looks.

Couple photos:

These are now mounted into the walls and the table is painted white... Floors need mats or something because it is dusty but oh well. Two more benches to make to put in the middle section. Then next week the computers get plugged in and set on top.

I put side panels on three bookshelves. Then I have to make the inner seperators... that will take time. I will work on this tomorrow or the next day.

(17) Wednesday

Today I will make a bench or two. Recovering from a cold I caught the other day. I am soar all over but I am still working.

Last bench finally. Done.

Look at this guy... met him this morning... crabby little guy:

(18) Thurday

I heard I have my last shipment of timber coming today... If that is true then I can start on the last two bookshelves. Really hope I can finish them this week... then it will mostly be downhill for building.

I am not sure when the computers will be setup but that is easy. Need the power regulator installed to make it clean power but oh well.

And last but not least set up the books. So much to do in that area... not sure how to handle that.

Oh well taking it step by step.. day by day.

Delivery of my X's and 2x2 board... now I can finish the bookshelves.

Started building:

Here are the x's

Finishing shelf 4:

End of Day:

(19) Friday

All day I was :
Making the bookshelf inner walls:

(20) Saturday

Today I will make the shelves all day. Hopefully we can use the plywood to complete the other bits when we run out of 8x2's because we will run out of them fast today. It takes one board 6 feet long to make 5 small board to make a cubby slot. I mis-estimated my original design ... short about 60 board. Opps. So I will try and re-design them to use fewer pieces. and I came up with a solution I think that will look good.

(21) Sunday

Finished two major objectives... Bookshelves are good enough to use now and the mural is finished as far as the major items are concerned:

here is a photo update>