Back in santo, and going to NDMO. Last round of Malo project went really well. I made huge progress. The weather is nice temps are down and my oven house is not filled with cockroaches or bugs even. That is a nice way to return home to insert free-ish house. I should finish my santo murder mystery this week so I can get it into the Van AM.
(14) Tuesday
Nothing to report. Very boring day.
Highlight was showing Bryan Mad Max 2. And then making some awesome mashed potatoes and tenderloin steak quite amazing. Tons of butter and a bit of milk. Ask g27 Aaron how he liked this dish I made him once... if you need validation. Potatoes is my irish laplap.
(15) Wednesday
Another ho hum day... went to work not much to do, tried to help fix Kensley's PC but its locked from the Gov login. so its not something I can fix. The VSA guy installed ubuntu not sure if he completed it. Again not my doing so I was not willing to get involved in that mess.
All day nonstop rain.
After that I helped at my old college fixing an internet problem, then getting materials ready for Malo project. Ready to do some work on the library and lab. Thank god I have this secondary project or there would be nothing to do.
(16) Thursday
Malo returns... the work is getting done faster and faster. I can't wait until its completed.
Drilled a bunch of holes in the wall, painted the area for the picture. Got a lot done. Have so much yet to do.
Basically after I got back to the room I just slept all night. I did not have a towel to shower or soap for that matter so I fell asleep stinking and no blanket so I used my rain jacket as a blanket. It was a rough night's sleep. Hopefully it is better tomorrow. There seems to be some kind of water shortage. Not sure what the deal on that is.
(17) Friday
Man I am sore from yesterday. Body hurts all over... pushed it hard i guess.
(18) Saturday
Lots of things were being done at the lab/library site here are some photos:
(19) Sunday