Working on fixing up some PC's in vila this week to give to schools. It's decent work and a free trip to vila is not that terrible.
Check out this tiny house setup on the smallest island I have ever seen here:
(28) Tuesday
Trying to find decent free library software and avoid the fatal error of using a horrible software product like excel... that is never a good excuse to use never. NEVER USE MICROSOFT.
That rant aside I am doing really well all the computers except one are working. They are ancient but they work.
Another photo of Malakula
(29) Wednesday
Well today I am setting up a few computers at schools with libraries... I installed library tracking system, and java, and office 2010 and encarta 2009... french, hope they enjoy it.
After this... I fly back to Santo goodbye Vila... happy to leave you as fast as possible.
Its really funny to see all the white chicks that walk around vila that think they are hot shit, when mostly they not shit. hehe. I love to completely ignore them.
Well here we are kicking ass as always Isabelle with Ratua foundation best thing to ever happen to Vanuatu... nicest more charitable human on the planet that I ever met.
We gave them three reconditioned computers and they LOVED THEM.
(30) Thursday
And I am back to Malo project...
We got tons of lumber to build with and a bit of running around three boat trips and I am figuring out what I will do for tomorrow. Build one big table and a bench with back out of this beautiful rosewood. I wish I was there to pick out the board by hand... because making furniture each piece is important, I am a perfectionist and I like wood that is perfectly straight and with a nice grain and no imperfections. But of well I can use what I have. The table will be huge, 7 feet long and 40 inches wide. Nice!
The Bench will have two board deep 16 inches and the same for the back rest... 41 inches off the ground... it will rock. Buying power tools was one of the most brilliant purchases ever. Yeah me. well I have to sell it eventually that will likely mean a loss but it was useful... so life goes.
Well time to figure out the evening... steak, potatoes and a nice relaxing evening of life. Things are perfect right now. I have the best supporter on the planet... Isabelle of Rauta. She's aces.
May (01, 02, 03) Fri-Sat
Worked on making a table a amazing table its 7 feet by 3 feet. Stained it and everything... love it.
Then I made a bookshelf with Bryan and after that we painted the mural, mostly done, at ninduatu.
It was extremely productive here is a picture of the mostly finished but not quite painting.