
Week 42 - End of days

(12) Monday

Not much happened except I turned in my resignation for the school I was assigned. He took the news well.

Tried to get my internet moved but failed.

(13) Tueday

Working at the college trying to get ALMA to work... a SIS softare. I hate french UI of windows it is such a  pain in the ass to switch to english.

I hate N-computer systems as well... they suck. Which is what I am using right now.

... they suck. Which is what I am using right now.

    • International Parcels
January 12, 2015 , 3:19 pm
Payment of charges - Item being held, addressee being notified
Your item could not be delivered on January 12, 2015 at 3:19 pm in VANUATU due to payment of charges. It is being held while the addressee is notified.
January 12, 2015 , 2:43 pm
Arrival at Post Office
January 12, 2015 , 10:05 am
Customs clearance processing complete
January 12, 2015 , 9:19 am
Processed Through Sort Facility
November 17, 2014 , 3:55 pm
Item wrongly directed - Item forwarded / redirected
Oh look at this: What ... I owe more money. 

(14) Wednesday

Wow what a day... got my box from america that I have been waiting for for 4 months.
Fixed problems with internet at house... put up second book shelf...
and I worked at my old school setting up Alma SIS... good day.

Now time for some pasta.

(15) Thursday

Thursday was a busy day. I setup more on Alma the Student information system for the school. And then went home and installed two more shelves in my house.

Then I ate with my last 1000vt a small hot and spicy pizza from Nemo's. After that I took a nice long sleep. Woke up again about 4pm and Met Kelsey and her friend watch a episode of Broad City and then met up with Sam at Sakale and then went home. Decently productive day.

(16) Friday

I just returned from town... I hate that big hill, I can never bike all the way up it, just pushing a bike up that steep climb with a back full of stuff ugh it is so exhausting. I worked on Alma/SIS again... Had a online meeting with Karen Maeda... she is a Ozzy that moved to MN to study at Macalester and graduated in 2012. Then she moved to Portland to work at this Alma software company. I know some people she knows... it was funny talking to person that knows my home town and local places we hang out. The Minnesota connection is everywhere heh.

Now I am going to try and work on kelsey's dead netbook... then go back into town when the rain goes down and get some groceries for the weekend. I hope we get paid asap. I hate using my credit card for daily living expenses.

One of my neighbors noticed my internet antenna on the roof and he asked me, "Yu got internet?"
 And I am like yeah... and duck inside my door before the next logical question comes, "Yu sharem out witem me?" No way man... if I share my super slow internet with you, 30 other Nivans will ask the same and I will have zero bytes of data forever.

I should work on my twin peaks part two story for the Van Am... I am forgetting how I was going to end it.

(17) Saturday

It does not feel like a Saturday.

What to do... check internet (facebook, blog, gmail) done. Write in blog, almost done, eat some food except nothing I have is appealing... then go into town and wander around until I get bored and go home.

Maybe I will work on my short stories. And now that I have a few small canvases from the USA (thanks mom) I can paint for the first time in ages.

The double fan system I have in my living room is the one thing keeping me sane and happy or else it is so hot I melt into a puddle.

I went to the beach though here are some photos:

(18) Sunday

I just stayed home most of the day. Watched movies and killing time.

But I played some ping pong in wally's gym I think it was. Fun time.