
Week 30 - Another normal abnormal week.

October 20-26

(20) Monday

I cannot move my index finger. That's because I think I itched it after being bit by a killer mosquito. It is so puffy it makes typing this post a little more challenging. Hopefully it goes back to normal over the course of the day. It was a great night last night though after everyone left it rained at some point making it harder to notice the dripping faucet my neighbors never shut off tightly that drips making a toy piano like annoying noise that requires my getting up and going out to the cockroach infested sink and tuning them shut tightly but with the rain I could ignore it.

At 8:42 I listened to the screaming laughter of 18 year guys push starting my principals truck. It hardly ever starts right anymore but who always tries turning that key gunning the engine three four five six twelve times until the battery is totally dead until finally he gets a mob of dudes to push him down a very slight hill and BOOM the engine comes back to life and he tools around the campus. Quite the performance. I see it two or three times a week.

I should probably eat breakfast and then fall back to sleep until I can think of something meaningful to do to consume the bulk of this day.

Not a terrible day at all... after a nice breakfast nap, there was a knock at my door. One of the teachers asked me take photos of the the meeting going on in the library... of my school giving thanks for the people that bought 200 bags of concrete to resurface the basketball court at the back of the school. The surface as you can imagine is pretty much destroy and has been for about 30 years. The last time they repaved the court was in about 1980, I suggested on about 10 occasions to a variety of people that we use some kind of drainage system to move the water off the surface of the court and improve the usability and life of the resource.

After this I went into town and got some meat for taco night at Bryan and Kate's and went to ultimate frisbee... and in doing so ran into some of the new baby docs... Ang.. said or Angie and 5 others that were all pretty shy. We played and then ate. The game was pretty hard core and I made a few really fab one handed catches and a few clutch passes... guess I am getting into the swing of the game. Have not been much of a sporto in decades, I liked hockey growing up, just to check people mostly.

Ang is pretty funny and really cute. She had a good time at Taco Night.

(21) Tuesday

Back to my normal non-sleeping night. The dogs were barking their brains out as usual. I wish there was a way to remove all the island dogs barker. Then they'd be a much more pleasant animal to live with.

Thinking about what kind of nonsense I might be dragged into tomorrow. I think a cruise ship is going to land... meaning my principal  might ask me to be a tour guide on a bus that often breaks down in the middle of nowhere... which I would fear could happen to 20-30 tourist on our way to champaign beach or where ever... and they get pissed off... what do we do then... the boat leaves without them. Holy shit. They'd have to call every taxi in town to come get them. Could be a total cluster.

Well so far free and clear of going out to nowhere with a bus that might not return. That is good news. Secondly I ate some excellent breakfast and feel great. I notice that when I a steady flow of exceptional dinners my mental state is remarkably improved. During training eating all the barely edible shit island food was the most depressing experience of my entire life except perhaps when my best friend died and my childhood dog. Those were lower lows. Bryan and Kate taught me a new trick on making shells for tacos... I love it... they are food heroes... and they made cheesy rice. I can eat rice again. The self imposed ban is lifted.

But on a side note it makes me wonder about one thing.... You know when a person makes a bad decision there is some degree of sympathy you can hold for them right? We all make stupid choices from time to time.... But I am lost as to why one would reward making a poor decision... even more mysterious what would make someone think that a bad choice should be rewarded!? Case in point, say you were aware of an event, an event that had been talked about several times... and hyped up quite a bit. Would you then do something to mess up the enjoyment of that event? My thinking is no... you try to ensure that you don't mess it up. Oh well world is full of mysteries.

Well on hindsight now... I might be being a bit harsh. Maybe this person was feeling sick and did not really think eating a big meal was possible... I don't want to make too big of an assumption. Partially wrote it and trying to be part of a comedy bit, likely teaming from watching too many Rick & Morty episodes. Probably should have kept this flow of conscious sit a while longer.

I am very excited about the next box being mailed from the states... with any luck sunglasses will be perfect and more brewing equipment for the enjoyment of the Santo people. Making a decent IPA will ROCK. the first batch is Wilco stuff tastes ok but I think the next round and the one after will only improve the quality of what we can made.

Cory and Mike Stafford came by and we grilled some steaks and watched a few tv shows... it was fun. Early night Cory needs to wake up at 4am tomorrow.

(22) Wednesday

Pretty dead day. Just added a small shelf in my bathroom been meaning to do that for a while. Small project.

Today is another ultimate frisbee day at 4:30, wonder if the new baby docs will attend. The Ang girl is cool.

Making a hamburger for Elise and then heading to her place at Hibiscus and then to Ultimate Frisbee.... Should be fun. Too bad we never got to hangout before during training, Elise is pretty cool.

(23) Thursday

Just came back from Ratua again... met with the click grant people. Interesting meeting to say the least. Hope things go smoothly... politics is not my thing.

Putting up some more photos. I took a bunch before outside and around but here are couple on Ratua inside the resort. It it really rad. I love the tree house lounge and the spa building was cool. Should have taken a photo of it... there are some hand colored photos the own took that I thought were rad too... posting them up too.

(24) Friday

Well I did not write much for friday... It ws a mostly nothing day. I worked on some computer stuff at my school... mostly fixing Gepi and Rex's PC... then we decided to use the Gepi grading computer for his replacement and I can take Rex's computer into the lab and make it work right.

After a long boring day at work... we got paid so I bought a ton of great groceries... and then met up with the other PC's and we went to a kava bar and they drank kava and I sat and listened. It might be one of the last times I see the G25ers like Jes and Hunter. Their time is almost up. Rich is still on Epi or Vila and coming back on Nov 1st.

(25) Saturday

Today Mike Stafford stayed over and I made some breakfast, pancakes, fried potatoes, little sausages... and I skyped with my parents. It was /is my Dad's 81's B-Day. He is an amazing guy.

Not much going on besides that. It is rainy and a little cold. Most of the PC's are diving at Million Dollar point. I am never going diving probably. It is really expensive and I cannot seem to pop my ears. I think snorkling is fine.

(26) Sunday

Very slow rainy day, I just feel like napping and reading. The rain is like a blanket that is barricading me in my house. I ate some some decent breakfast but I just don't want to venture out much. I worked on a short story. Trying to map the plot out to make it have a logic, right now it feels a little too random. Listening to some blond red head... and trying to figure out the second half of the story.

Some of the PC's are beachfront swimming. I might go but I don't want to leave my house since Bryan and Kate said they would stop by.