(21) Monday - Ultimate Frisbee night... and All Santo People are back in town. Should be fun.
(22) Tuesday - Plan to try and get estimate for lumber to make a bed for my house. 3 months no bed.
(23) Wednesday - Presented idea for school website... using wix. They love it. Went to missionaries house and stuffed my face with AWESOME mexican like food.
(24) Thursday - Holiday no school. Organize house/plan next round of building projects.
(25) Friday - Research SIS (Student Information System) For school record keeping. Teach counterpart server / software. Guess Laura and Allison are visiting Santo-Land. The baby docs and I saw fireworks in the park...
(26) Saturday - No plans yet... but betting the beach and such. Wrong. Went to the hospital for bislama class and lost my wallet with my credit cards... they made a commercial on the radio but no luck. Laura showed up... we got paid... had drinks at club aqua, then rich's then I went home. They were nuts and went out for more...
(27) Sunday - Rodeo day... some friends of mine rode the bulls... one broke his foot. Which is why I passed on riding because I would have probably gotten injured.
Monday couple thoughts- Week is starting off slow... we biked so much over the weekend that I am shocked I am not in worse feeling shape today. Must be that I am accidentally getting healthier. Ate some fabulous pancakes this morning. I should open a pancake shop... but I might be my only regular customer.
Not sure what else to say... Kind of bored today.
Thursday 4:30 am
1-There is a student holiday, and a parade is being held... will go for sure.
2-The new round of British "Baby-docs" are in town (jo, sarah, nashim, tom, ... 6 more names blurry) showed up this week at our frisbee game... love them.
3-Starting thinking about recording what I consider interesting bits of news about my location in this site... like how the former administration did, mostly in stealing funds from the college which is why its lucky he is gone and the new leadership is using the money to build back up the school. I am lucky.
And how every year the ocean is encroaching 5-10 feet inland... maybe in decade or two my house will be beach from property.
There was a rodeo in town on Friday:
Bull riding