
Week 4 - the beginning of being broke

So far the week has been productive... few days left but not likely to get them all done.

Had several goals for the week:
1) Finish painting server room
2) Install new sink facet and mirror for house bathroom
3) Start funding campaign at Wilco to get things for school (second air con, big monitor and paint for the floor and two ceiling fans)
4) Start more funding requests at big international orgs like Jira, Oz Aid, and so on
5) Install a hanger for kitchen pots and pans
6) Remove all junk from computer rooms.
7) Get bike.
8) Work on short stories.

This is what actually was done
[week 4] April 21 -27
(21) Monday - Painted part of the server room, painted bathroom in house
(22) Tuesday - Painted server room more... wrote a bit on new space story for Van Am news paper.
(23) Wednesday - Painted server room, removed junk from server room got second haircut in Vanuatu.
(24) Thursday -  Installed new toilet in my house, bought bike Vanvatu (SPELLED wrong thanks China) cruiser, joined bike club... 
(25) Friday - Painted lab, tried to get my package from the mail but the only customs person has been sick all week so now I wait till Monday. Cruised around in the non-stop rain and sat at a bar with some Australian and his kid eating chips at 8pm waiting for the rain to stop.
(26) Saturday - Cruising on the bike with rich, brian and kate to million-dollar point to swim.
(27) Sunday - Played some LAN games with the Santo 8.

Was denied the extra lumber to make the bed and things because the school ran out of funding for the semester... have to wait till next month to make a big that fits me.