
Week 5 - fixing da shit

Goals for the week:
1) Finish painting server room
2) Install new sink facet and mirror for house bathroom
3) Install facet bathroom
4) Make rack for kitchen 

This is what actually was done
[week 5] April 28 May 4
(28) Monday - Painted part of my house to stop termites from eating up my kitchen separator. Was told I could not have friends over at my house, lab and that I owe money for the water bill. picked up package 3 from post office...
(29) Tuesday - Installed facet for kitchen
(30) Wednesday - waited for Edward to finish butchering a cow so we could install sink and facet for bathroom... picked up package 4 from post office.
(01) Thursday -  Avoided people all the rest of the week...
(02) Friday - Worked on short story
(03) Saturday - Avoided people, Wrote on my space Ni-Van Story "Spac-Trak Santo"
(04) Sunday - Avoided people... Drank beer and wrote.

Something strange happened at my school and I was in an awkward position so I just sat back and waited for my Peace Corps admins to help me out. Guess things like this happen from time to time in Ni-Van Culture but it was surprising to me. I was told that I could not have friends over at my school or lab... Which basically means I am not supposed to have any fun while serving. This is an odd request. So I think it will be fixed and life will go back to normal.


Week 4 - the beginning of being broke

So far the week has been productive... few days left but not likely to get them all done.

Had several goals for the week:
1) Finish painting server room
2) Install new sink facet and mirror for house bathroom
3) Start funding campaign at Wilco to get things for school (second air con, big monitor and paint for the floor and two ceiling fans)
4) Start more funding requests at big international orgs like Jira, Oz Aid, and so on
5) Install a hanger for kitchen pots and pans
6) Remove all junk from computer rooms.
7) Get bike.
8) Work on short stories.

This is what actually was done
[week 4] April 21 -27
(21) Monday - Painted part of the server room, painted bathroom in house
(22) Tuesday - Painted server room more... wrote a bit on new space story for Van Am news paper.
(23) Wednesday - Painted server room, removed junk from server room got second haircut in Vanuatu.
(24) Thursday -  Installed new toilet in my house, bought bike Vanvatu (SPELLED wrong thanks China) cruiser, joined bike club... 
(25) Friday - Painted lab, tried to get my package from the mail but the only customs person has been sick all week so now I wait till Monday. Cruised around in the non-stop rain and sat at a bar with some Australian and his kid eating chips at 8pm waiting for the rain to stop.
(26) Saturday - Cruising on the bike with rich, brian and kate to million-dollar point to swim.
(27) Sunday - Played some LAN games with the Santo 8.

Was denied the extra lumber to make the bed and things because the school ran out of funding for the semester... have to wait till next month to make a big that fits me.


------START OF PEACE CORPS SERVICE------ Week 1 , 2 and 3 in Santo, Luganville.

Jan 23-30 March Flew to LA then New Zealand then Port Vila Vanuatu. For 2 months of training.
Starved, lost 20 pounds, Stayed on island of Moso and eFate in village called Eapu.

Week in Vila - march 26 
swear in becoming offical Peace Corps Volunteer aka Two months of training hell ends. ****

[week 1] March 31- April 4th -
 first week at site: got items for house, ordered lumber, inquiry about PC at BanBan… ate good food.
went to rec center to help with computer for Daria… 
  hangout with crew and Abain, first Skype call, ear infection 2 began
[week 2] April 7-11 -
(7) Monday  - removed trash computer from lab, taxes paid.
(8) Tuesday - worked on funding explored Wilco for Microwave, contact number for wilco, for coffee machine
(9) Wednesday - AC installed worked on funding, worked on story, package 3 arrived paints and projector
(10) Thursday -  started painting lab floor, made coffee table, discovered carly/genevieve is a phony.
(11) Friday - finish painting lab, make cabinet kitchen, help Daria with computer, Kava night?
(12) Saturday - Hungout with New Zealand aid people… went to fund raiser and club
(13) Sunday - mostly nothing just played games, made buyer for mike
[week 3] april 14 -18
(14) Monday - make furniture for kitchen, met with ban ban principle. 
(15) Tuesday - made couch, bought sink and facets, worked out with richard, got laptop from principle.
(16) Wednesday - start painting walls lab outer walls and under tables
(17) Thursday -  continue with wall lab inner walls and entry
(18) Friday - continue paint walls server room - finished went to drink with people at bar
(19) Saturday - held lan-party with peace corps friends.
(20) Sunday - went to blue hole oyster bay

Year 2013 in review

January - Work begins on the former "Vote No Campaign" now the "Vote Yes" for 
Constitution amendment allowing anyone to marry who they want...
February -  1st - Contract with Best Buy ended as funding ran out.
 3rd helped with drill holes for new bathrooms at the Soap Factory.
  20th - Big rally at the Capital...Continued work on Vote Yes.
Smashed concrete walls in the Soap Factory basement and hauled out  50 Wheel barrows of debris.

March - Continued work on Vote Yes.

April - Continued work on Vote Yes.
            20th Landed short term contract at BI World Wide.

May - 5th Worked the Mayday parade as one of the Big puppets, helped build and paint many of them.
           On May 9, 2013, the House of Representatives passed a bill to legalize same-sex 
            marriage on a vote of 75 to 59. Victory.

June - 16th  Worked Northern Spark as a crew leader at the Bedlam Location in St. Paul.
           25th Saw the YYY's at First ave.

July - 11th Went to See Bob Dylan with Mary at the Old St. Paul Saints stadium at Midway.
          20th got my Peace corps invite to go to the island nation of Vanuatu.
           22nd worked Paper darts event at Soo Vac.
          July 31st Did the Mississippi river challenge and stay at Fort Snelling
                        and the temperature dipped to 35 degree on. It could have almost snowed.

August - 17th got 5 stitches in arm from injury during construction at Soap Factory.
               23rd, went to see Dessa play. She is so rad.
               25th Haunted Basement Soap Factory work kicked into full swing.
               27th Left BI World Wide contract. Silliest company I ever worked for.

September - Started art install of 8 new works of mine at Dunn Brothers near Loring Park Minneapolis

October - Haunted basement 100 hours of work (80 building, 20 acting)

November - First art show I had work publicly shown Soap Factory biennial.
                     Joined flash mod performance at Mall of America with Bedlam troop: 
                     Emptied apartment to ready for reanter, painted all walls and 
                   moved out and lived with Mary for a month.

December - Completed art show at Jungle Red sold one painting.
                      Was lucky enough to hangout with The Laurie Walker. She's so cool.
                      Packed bags and readied for leaving the country.
                      Logged 501 + volunteer hours at the soap factory new personal record and I think the most
                      any volunteer ever has done in a single year.