
May 10th 2016

   Most of the Peace corps from my group (g26) are back home in the states now. This is good. It means that the chapter on that story in my life is finally closing. I wish it had been a wonderful experience from beginning to end but there were moments of joy. I think about that place still, the challenges of it, and compare it to the ease of life I have now. I liked the moments of chaos where there was activity, but hated the stagnation of poverty and bored when it was the slow times.

   Being in that sort of environment and now being back in the USA, life feels kind of too predictable too safe, at least for me, might be more challenging for some but I make a decent wage and have a nice home... so is that enough, should I be happy with that?

   I think I want to see more of the world. To also be in that new place with a living wage. I did not enjoy abject poverty of the Peace Corps. Time will tell where this new adventure will be, but I would like the temps to be a bit more moderate than the extreme cold of Minnesota, and it would be great if there were a few pockets of city life and yet retain parts of the more primitive unplugged past.