This week was mostly dull. Getting ready to return to Vila for PST2 training.
[week 10] June 2 June 8
(02) Monday - Got a whiteboard for the computer lab.
(03) Tuesday - did not much... watched a lot of video's.
(04) Wednesday - Internet went down strangely.
(05) Thursday - Fixed Alban's table, looked at Daria's PC... helped train her dog and painted a picture with Nadia for the baby doc's birthday card. Installed scanner software.
(06) Friday - Try and fix the printer issue, re-install windows 7 on old printer pc, worked on Daria's PC. Put up the second whiteboard in lab on the wall.
Later in the day Daria came over, feel asleep on the mattress she put on my floor, while i attempted to download drivers to fix her PC. They never completed. But the next day I downloaded a display driver and it appears that her monitor is just burned out. Then we went to her school with a bag full of hardware (except the critical screw driver) to install new HD on her work computer and install windows 7 so I can test if her computer is failing on the HD or the mother board is starting to fizzle... maybe the CPU is over heating.
But because I forgot my screw driver and they could not find one we gave up and went for a beer instead. At Deco Stop... me Daria and her puppy... something named like Vino Vilo who knows I call it ANIMAL. then more and more people showed up but not before we had some nice long conversations about relationships... people and life.
Then I went home after things died down... took a cab 200VT then dropped my stuff off, hopped on my bike and went to Aqua... and had more drinks and such... but did not stay until forever... blew my 30 bucks on crappy beer and then hit the hay about 11 pm.
(07) Saturday - trying to fix printer issue in the lab today. connected old printer machine to network... put printer in server room and attempted to connect to it. Spoke with my mom and dad and introduced them to my work counterparts.
(08) Sunday - discovered by the help of sam that my nivan space story really sucked and decided to drop that from the van am and use my other story...